Introduction to Active Directory (AD)

Workgroup, homegroup and Windows Domain

A workgroup is a group of computers on the same local network. A Windows computer not joined to a domain is part of a workgroup. In a workgroup, no computer has control over any other computer and it does not require a password. Any computer can join or leave a workgroup any time. Workgroup was previously for home file and printer sharing and Microsoft later introduced homegroup for more security. Compared to workgroup, all computers in a homegroup needs to be on the same home network (instead of local network). Homegroup is password protected. New computer needs to join homegroup by providing the password.

Windows domains (or domains for short) provide network administrators with a way to manage a large number of PCs and control them from one place and remotely. One or more servers โ€” known as domain controllers โ€” have control over the domain and the computers on it. Computers on a domain has to be on the same local network, either physically or over VPN. Centralized control is essential for corporate operation.

Administrators can join a Windows PC with professional or enterprise license to a domain. Once joined, the computer does not use its own local user accounts. When a user logs into a computer on that domain, the computer authenticates the user account name and password with the domain controller. Also, the computer cannot just leave the domain without administrator access.

Network administrators can change group policy settings on the domain controller. Each computer on the domain will get these settings from the domain controller and theyโ€™ll override any local settings users specify on their PCs. All the settings are controlled from a single place. This prevents from users from changing many system settings on a computer joined to a domain. The domain controller is in charge of what a user can do.

Apart from centralized administration, the benefit the users is that they can log in with the same username and password on any computer joined to the domain, if permission allows.

Domain Controller

In order to achieve centralized administration and log-in from any computer in the corporate world, a centralized service called domain controller is introduced. At a high level, a domain controller maintains a list for each of the followings:

  1. Users and their passwords
  2. Computers and their credentials

This is because in a domain, not only the users, but also the computers (workstations or servers) need to be authenticated. For example, when a Windows server boots up, it needs to log on to the domain with its own credential. This way we can control whether the server is allowed to query the domain for information about users. If it is allowed to query the domain, then we can determine whether the user is allowed to log on that server, and eventually, authenticate the user.

For a domain controller, it responsibility to credentials for users and computers, and respond to log in requests (authentication service) is a critical commitment in the enterprise environment. Domain controller is therefore commonly built with high availability and fault tolerance.

Administrators needs to add each new user to the user directory in domain controller. They also needs to register each new computer with the domain controller by joining them to the domain.

Joining a Domain

As explained earlier, joining a Window domain means register a computer in the domain so it has the permission to query the domain to validate users identity and permissions. Both Windows server and Linux server can join a domain. Windows servers usually provide a path through UI to join a domain and password is required.

To join a Linux (e.g. Redhat) server to a domain, we can use a tool called adcli. Here is a good example of using this command to join a domain.


A Windows or Linux server in the domain needs to go to the domain controller to authenticate itself and the users. Authentication involves several protocols, including kerberos, NTLM, TLS/SSL and Digest, as part of an extensible architecture. In addition, some protocols are combined into authentication packages such as Negotiate and the Credential Security Support Provider.

The MIT Kerberos Documentation provides some tools (e.g. kinit, klist) to configure and troubleshoot Kerberos protocol.

Active Directory

Since Windows 2000, Active Directory is a complete redesign and re-branding of the entire Windows Domain system. The term Active Directory now refer to either the entire domain system, or the actual database that comprises the Windows Domain information or both.

All of the information that makes up an Active Directory is stored in an X.500 compatible database, typically replicated between domain controllers to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. X.500 is a set of network directory standards. A Windows Domain is a kind of network directory, hence the name Active Directory for its replacement.

Active Directory introduced one important new type of object and concept, Forests. An Active Directory Forest is kind of a list of lists, meaning, it is a collection of Domains that are all related to each other for both security and management purposes.

Here is more details about Active Directory.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

As mentioned above, X.500 is a series of computer networking standards covering electronic directory services. ISO incorporated it into OSI suite of protocols. The protocols defined by X.500 include DAP (Directory Access Protocol), DSP (Directory System Protocol), DISP (Directory Information Shadowing Protocol) and DOP (Directory Operational Bindings Management Protocol). DAP is a heavyweight protocol that operates over a full OSI protocol stack and requires a significant amount of computing resources. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), as its alternative, is designed to operate over TCP/IP and provides most of the functionality of DAP at a much lower cost.

Technically speaking, LDAP is a directory access protocol to an X.500 directory service. In early days, the typical architecture involves a proxy. Client connects to the proxy in LDAP and the proxy connects to X.500 server in DAP. Nowadays, it is common that LDAP is directly implemented in X.500 servers.

Because LDAP is based on a simpler subset of the standards contained within the X.500 standard, LDAP was sometimes called X.500-lite. While DAP and the other X.500 protocols can now use the TCP/IP networking stack, LDAP remains a popular directory access protocol.