Field Notes

Experience from real life projects

  • Git Explained 2 of 2

    This is a continuation from Git Explained 1 of 2 where the fundamental concepts are covered. In this article we introduce some tools for customization…

  • Set up automation with Ansible

    Ansible is very flexible automation tools with many benefits. The free version is command-line based and here is an example to set it up. Environment…

  • Redhat Firewall configuration: from iptables to firewalld

    Tools to manage firewall Packet filter rules in Linux Kernel is managed by an user-space application named iptables in CentOS and RedHat. Since CentOS 7,…

  • Log shipping through ELK

    A common devops task is build logging pipeline with ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana). Suppose the application is written in Java and currently use log4j’s…

  • cron and anacron in RedHat Linux (How logrotate works)

    Cron and anacron We all know cron is a job scheduler. Many admin uses crontab to manage scheduled task. It is also important to know…

  • CentOS – Remove Swap safely

    If the default installation has swap on, you will see it from block device list: Many installations require swap to be off for performance reasons…
