Tech Reviews

Reviews of existing technologies

  • Docker Compose, Docker Stack and Docker Swarm

    This posting covers some basic docker orchestration tools. Docker Compose Docker Compose’s predecessor is a tool called Fig developed by Orchard, which was acquired by…

  • Cassandra data model (as opposed to relational model)

    Bad data model design with Cassandra causes chronic pains as application scales. I had to re-read about data model design in “Cassandra – the Definitive…

  • How memory usage adds up in Linux

    There are too many metrics that describes some aspects about memory in Linux. Further to an old article on this site, where several concepts were…

  • High Availability and Load Balancer

    Overview Fault tolerance and high availability are two architectural characteristics that people often confuse with each other. High availability focuses on minimizing downtime. It guarantees…

  • Java version confusions

    Anyone working with deploying Java applications inevitably came across one of these confusions with the terms. Let’s clarify them. This clarification is not for Java…

  • Cassandra Architecture

    Excerpts from Cassandra The Definitive Guide Gossip and Failure Detection Cassandra uses a gossip protocol that allows each node to keep track of state information…
