Tag: container

  • AWS CDK example in Typescript – provision an AWX server

    This post provides an example of using AWS CDK in Typescript. Ansible Tower and AWX We have used open-source Ansible extensively in the past. While…

  • Automatic deployment of Orthanc on AWS

    [Update] I changed reverse proxy from Nginx to Envoy. Here‘s the detail. [Update] Some security improvement was introduced in may 2021. Here‘s detail. [Update] Here’s…

  • Host legacy application in Docker 2 of 2

    My previous notes include some tricks in hosting legacy application in docker. This is a continuation from that work, after 1.5 months… Use Case I…

  • Host legacy application in Docker 1 of 2

    This is my notes from containerizing a legacy application with Docker compose. We have to run multiple instances of our application because we’re unable to…

  • Virtualization 4 of 4 – Networking

    Virtual LAN (VLAN) Although VLAN emerged before virtualization and is technically not part of virtualization topic. I’d just like to start from here as a…

  • Virtualization 3 of 4 – Containers

    In broad terms, virtualization of computing resource is about isolation of resources at different levels. We have covered hypervisor-based virtualization in the other post. In…
