Tag: devops

  • Performance Analysis

    Overview In 2015, Brendan Gregg posted two great articles on Netflix blog: Linux Performance Analysis in 60 seconds, and Linux Perfomrance Tools. They have great…

  • Ansible at scale 2 of 2

    Template (with Jinja2) and files In an Ansible role, we can use files or templates to achieve similar results for configuration files. If the configuration…

  • Ansible at scale 1 of 2

    The Ansible In Depth white paper outlines Ansible’s use cases in four categories: Configuration management Application deployment Orchestration: for coordinating a multi-machine process such as…

  • Common local Git operations

    This is a summary of concepts in common Git operations. We will discuss brach, merge, rebase, cherrypick, stash and reset. Then we’ll discuss pull, fetch,…

  • NTLM and Kerberos protocols

    This article explains how two most common authentication mechanisms (NTLM and Kerberos) work. Both authentication protocols are based on symmetric key cryptography. The protocols themselves…

  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

    SAML is an XML-based standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between IdP (identity provider) and service provider. We can compare SAML with LDAP (as…
