Tag: kubernetes

  • Virtualization 4 of 4 – Networking

    Virtual LAN (VLAN) Although VLAN emerged before virtualization and is technically not part of virtualization topic. I’d just like to start from here as a…

  • Virtualization 3 of 4 – Containers

    In broad terms, virtualization of computing resource is about isolation of resources at different levels. We have covered hypervisor-based virtualization in the other post. In…

  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

    SAML is an XML-based standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between IdP (identity provider) and service provider. We can compare SAML with LDAP (as…

  • High Availability and Load Balancer

    Overview Fault tolerance and high availability are two architectural characteristics that people often confuse with each other. High availability focuses on minimizing downtime. It guarantees…
